Mon: 8.15am-8pm | Tues: 8.30am-6.15pm | Wed: 8.30am-6.15pm | Thu: 8.15am-8pm | Fri: 8.30am-6.15pm | Sat: 8.15am-1.15pm

Our Services

What do we treat?
We may assist you with any pain that is affecting your musculoskeletal system. People of all ages, from newborn to the elderly may benefit from Osteopathic treatment. Some of the most common problems that people present to an Osteopath for include:

–   Neck and back pain
–   After breast cancer
–   Asthma
–   Headaches and migraines
–   Postural problems
–   Sciatica
–   Jaw pain
–   Shoulder, elbow, wrist and hand pain
–   Pregnancy related pain
–   Hip, knee, ankle and foot pain
–   Infant torticollis and birth related strains
–   Arthritis
–   Sports Injuries

Osteopathy after breast cancer
Osteopathy is ideally suited to address the symptoms and side effects which may develop during breast cancer treatment.  Osteopathic treatment involves gentle, hands-on techniques to encourage tight and restricted tissue to become pliable once more.  This is particularly the case with the scar tissue, swelling, adhesions and tissue texture changes which can arise after surgery and radiation therapy.  In other words, the lumps, bumps, ridges, and swelling which remain inside and around the breast after treatment.  In fact, these can respond readily to gentle osteopathic care.  Osteopathic techniques work to unwind and soften the scarred and thickened tissue.  This allows fluid to drain, function to be restored and tissue to regain its natural pliable texture.

Issues such as restricted shoulder movement, hard and tight tissue in the axilla(armpit), rippling of implants, tenderness, and pain, may resolve when the natural tissue mobility and pliability is restored following osteopathic manual therapy.

This may also assist fluid which had collected in the tissue, such as seroma and oedema, to drain naturally.  The surgical removal of lymph nodes, and radiation therapy to this region, may also result in the development of ‘cording’ or Axilla Web Syndrome.  This is when fine cord-like structures arise and may extend down the arm to the hand.

Some of the nausea and abdominal discomfort in chemotherapy patients can be biomechanical in nature.  Gentle mobilisation of the diaphragm and thorax, and visceral massage to the bowel, may improve the nausea and constipation experienced.

Finally, and most importantly, for breast cancer patients who have already been through much since their ‘world changed’, to be able to regain their soft breast once more, and have relief from pain and discomfort, and to be able to breathe and move ‘like they used to’, makes osteopathic treatment a joy.  This form of care so often resolves the lumps and bumps in breasts, the imbalance of breast size and position, and associated discomfort and pain.  Breasts which move, feel, and look more natural are a welcome return to feeling ‘normal’ again after such a challenging time.

If you feel  After Breast cancer treatment may be helpful for you, please make sure to book your appointment with Janele, Kiandra or Robyn or speak with us at the clinic prior to booking.

Osteopathy and Babies
Cranial Osteopathy is a gentle, non manipulative Osteopathic technique especially suitable for treatment of newborn babies and toddlers. Treatment allows the baby to function and develop without restriction, in a balanced and happy manner. During labour, contractile stress is applied as the baby progresses normally through the birth canal. Strain patterns may occur, especially if there has been a difficult delivery, assisted delivery (forceps) or a breech delivery. Soft tissue tension and restriction in the cranial bones, neck and upper back may result. Treatment aims to release this tension and restriction and stimulate the babies’ inherent self healing mechanisms. Osteopathic treatment may help to prevent chronic problems developing later in life, allowing your child to achieve optimal health.

Our experienced Osteopaths are trained to recognise conditions which require medical referral or referral to another Allied Health practitioner.