HOURS: Mon: 8.15am-8pm | Tues: 8.30am-6.15pm | Wed: 8.30am-6.15pm | Thu: 8.15am-8pm | Fri: 8.30am-6.15pm | Sat: 8.15am-1.15pm | P: (03) 9725 1488

Clinic Info

General Information
Please arrive at least 5 minutes prior to your initial appointment time.

A medical referral is not required for Osteopathic treatment, although if you are claiming through Veterans’ Affairs or Medicare on a GP Management Plan, a medical referral is required. Osteopathic consultations are 30 minutes. Initial Osteopathic consultations are up to one hour.

If you are unable to keep a scheduled appointment, please give 24 hours advance notice to ensure a fee will not be charged.

Payment Methods
Payment is due at the time of your consultation.
Cash, EFTPOS, VISA and Mastercard are accepted.

Rebates from your private health insurance, extras cover, are available on the spot with our HICAPS facility. Please bring your health fund membership card with you to each appointment and your claim amount will be deducted from the total treatment cost.

The amount you can claim on each treatment varies with each health fund and also the level of extras cover you have. Please contact your health fund for full details of cover for Osteopathy and Remedial massage.


Rebates from Medicare
The GP Management Plan allows patients with chronic (long standing) conditions to claim a rebate from Medicare for up to five Allied Health treatments per year. A referral from your medical practitioner is required to qualify for this program. Please consult with your doctor to determine if your condition qualifies you for this program. The full cost of the Osteopathic consultation is paid for on the day of treatment, you can  either claim your rebate on the spot with our Medicare facility or take your receipt to Medicare to claim your rebate.


WorkSafe (WorkCover), TAC and DVA
Croydon Osteopathy is an approved service provider for WorkSafe and Transport Accident Commission (TAC) insurance claims. Your employer, insurance company or TAC must arrange cover for you to qualify for these services. Please bring your claim number and contact details of your employer and insurance company to your initial consultation. Upon establishment of an accepted claim, the clinic can bill the insurance company directly on your behalf. Disclaimer: Please note any outstanding fees are the responsibility of the patient directly, if your claim is withdrawn or cancelled by the insurer.

Croydon Osteopathy is also an approved service provider for the Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA). A medical referral is required so please visit your doctor prior to your initial consultation and bring the referral along with you to your appointment.