Make Yourself a Priority!
The last 12 months have been a period unlike any other. Essential services remained open throughout what was a very challenging year, but routine care has been pushed to the back burner. It’s time now to start ‘checking in’ with your regular health care providers to ensure serious conditions are not missed and to importantly get the most out of life.
We regularly service our cars to prevent unexpected and costly breakdowns whilst also aiming to optimise performance. Why wouldn’t we do the same for our bodies? After all we only get one!
A regular health check can prevent and lower the risk of health issues. There are many conditions that are silent in the early stages, so you won’t necessarily feel unwell. It is easy to take some symptoms, like fatigue, for granted. We often assume symptoms like lethargy are due to a busy lifestyle or poor sleep habits. It may not be as simple as that. Early detection can significantly reduce the impact the condition may have on your life and potentially be lifesaving.
See your GP to:
- discuss any health complaints or concerns you may have (including mental health issues)
- check your heart rate
- check your blood pressure
- give you a physical examination, including chest, throat, ears, abdomen, glands and skin.
Depending on your gender, age and family history your Doctor may also determine whether any other tests are required, such as a blood test, skin health check or breast screen.
Make an appointment with your Dentist:
Routine dental care means more than just clean teeth. Your Dentist will check your mouth for any sign of oral health problems such as gum disease, tooth decay and oral cancer.
Overdue to see the Osteo?
Your musculoskeletal system is equally as important. COVID-19 has brought about many changes in our lifestyle. Some beneficial, others not so. Many people have been working from home for 12 months now. Your Osteopath can help with advice on ergonomics and ease tension and pain caused from working at your dining table or from your home office with a ‘not so perfect set up’, as it was for the short term!
For many of us, these changes in our lifestyle have brought about changes to our routine, it can then be very difficult to develop our previous good habits again. Many of us have been unable to maintain our usual exercise habits and in the last few months have returned to exercise. We can help transition you back to your pre-COVID exercise routine to minimise your risk of injury and to help you get back to loving life! It is important to slowly start exercising again. Build up your intensity and length of the exercise slowly over a few weeks, this allows your body to increase strength and any soreness should be reduced. Make an appointment to discuss how you are feeling, we can make a general assessment and help manage any issues or pain that may have crept in without you realising. Sometimes you don’t realise how sore you are until you feel better!
“If we don’t have time to be SICK, then we have to make time to be HEALTHY.”
Colleen Patrick-Goudreau