Mon: 8.15am-8pm | Tues: 8.30am-6.15pm | Wed: 8.30am-6.15pm | Thu: 8.15am-8pm | Fri: 8.30am-6.15pm | Sat: 8.15am-1.15pm

Staying Healthy this Winter

Winter can be a challenging time both physically and mentally. The days are shorter and colder and we are more likely to pick up a dreaded cold or worse still, the flu.  To give yourself the best chance to get through the cooler months with the best possible health, follow the tips below and stay healthy this winter.

Wash Hands
Seems basic, but the number one way to stop the spread of germs is to wash your hands, particularly before meals and after using the toilet.  When sharing a phone or computer with someone at work, wash your hands after use.  It’s often best to wash your hands after blowing your nose too, especially if you have a cough or sniffle.

Get Vaccinated
The flu shot protects against the major flu strains and is especially important if you are considered at risk (for example: pregnant, over 65 or have a chronic illness). Talk to your doctor or pharmacist for more information.

Eat Well
A healthy diet ensures your immune system is ready to take on whatever comes its way.  Help fight infection by consuming proteins and taking vitamins and minerals.  Always try to look for lean meat and fish.  Add dark green leafy vegetables, along with red and yellow vegetables, for a boost of antioxidants.  A yummy pot of homemade chicken and veggie soup always hits the spot!

Stay Hydrated
In comparison to summer, in the winter months we don’t tend to feel like drinking as much water.  Try drinking your water warm from the kettle or at room temperature.  Some lemon juice can be a tasty addition.  Herbal teas can be another way to help keep the fluid intake up.

Rest up
Don’t let yourself get run down.  Regular sleep is vital to supporting a strong immune system and staying healthy.

Stay Active
Keep moving in winter.  We know it’s cold and dark out there but regular exercise is an important part of our overall health.  Wear clothing in layers, or if it’s too cold outside try a gym, indoor pool or a yoga class.  An exercise partner is an excellent way to help keep you on track!