The Importance of Stretching
When it’s difficult to fit exercise into your day, taking time to focus on stretching/flexibility may seem impossible.
But, stretching is an integral part of fitness, just a few of the many benefits may be:
- improving range of motion
- relieving muscle tightness and stiffness
- improving postural imbalance and helping to reduce chronic pain
- increasing circulation
- calming your mind/mood
Stretching may help to avoid injuries and illness, and may also help you to have a better nights sleep.
Stretching should become a daily routine to gain the most benefit.
Each and every stretch should be carried out gently and slowly. Gently deepen each stretch with every exhalation and stop if you feel any strain or pain. Try to hold each stretch for 30 seconds, initial tightness may gradually diminish as you hold the stretch.
Repeat each stretch 3-5 times.
If you would like some advice about stretching or specific exercises that may be beneficial for you, speak to your osteopath about it during your next visit to the clinic.