Mon: 8.15am-8pm | Tues: 8.30am-6.15pm | Wed: 8.30am-6.15pm | Thu: 8.15am-8pm | Fri: 8.30am-6.15pm | Sat: 8.15am-1.15pm

Meet The Staff

Dr. Janele Ross

Education: B.App.Sc.(Clinical Science) – B.O.Sc.

Monday – 8am-5pm
Wednesday – 8:30am-6pm

Dr. Janele Ross

Janele graduated from RMIT University in 1995 after completing a five year double degree in Bachelor of Applied Science (Clinical Science) and Bachelor of Osteopathic Science. She worked as an associate in private practice before opening Croydon Osteopathy in 1999.

Janele has an interest in cranial osteopathy and working with sports injuries, she competed at a national level in badminton in her later teenage years, then chose to pursue a career in Osteopathy.

Following her own diagnosis with breast cancer in 2022, Janele has undertaken further professional development training in ‘After breast cancer’ treatment. She has a particular interest in helping women gain some relief from the symptoms that can develop following surgery and radiation therapy.

Janele is passionate and enthusiastic about Osteopathy and gains satisfaction from helping people manage their pain.

When she is not at work, Janele’s interests include travelling, cooking, socialising with friends and spending quality time with her husband and two children.

If you have any questions about how Osteopathy can help you or a family memberplease call the clinic on 9725 1488 or email Janele directly at